Tuesday, February 25, 2014

THE NEW ME... ALWAYS WRITE DOWN THE DETAILS (DAY 35) - A gluten free, natural sugars, less alcohol diet

Breakfast - oats, sultanas, Brazil nuts, banana, milk

Another ridiculous day on paperwork. I don't know where it all comes from.  This time I caught up on my 'Awaiting a Reply' and 'Things to Do' folders.  Gone were there days where people used to reply to your e-mails.  Now they just ignore them.  So had to resend a few. 

Surprise surprise, the gremlins struck again.  This time it related to our fuel supplier.  A couple of weeks ago we'd changed tariffs to a fixed rate until 2015 and were expecting paperwork to confirm the change, in the post.  As we'd not had confirmation I rang them up.  The change had not happened.  Luckily I had the telephone number, date, name of the person I'd spoken to, and tariff details (once a PA, always a PA).  Therefore the fixed tariff was agreed to be backdated to 1 February.  So now the paperwork's in 'Awaiting a Reply' again.  It feels like all I seem to do is shuffle paperwork.

I did receive some good news though.  A potential new website host (as recommended by Gary Paul De La Cour Renouf - the amazing woodturner from the Square Tower Crafts Event on Sunday) phoned me up after only a few hours having sent his company an e-mail.  Though more expensive than what we're used to, he was professional to speak to and the real deal.  Have to go through the finer details today and contact our existing host (that should be fun!) for additional info, but fingers crossed our hosting issues may soon be resolved.  Needless to say, still haven't heard from the potential new host that I contacted over a week ago.  Rhubarb rhubarb.

Caught up on the mountain of ironing and phoned a washing machine guy to come out on Thursday to replace the rubber doings which has perished, resulting in water all over the floor.

Oh, ran out of elderflower pressee, so had more wine than normal.  Must stock up.

I have a feeling today is going to be a good day.  I might actually have time to do some writing.  Hurrah!

What I ate yesterday (Day 34)

1 cup tea + honey
1 cup tea + honey
1 mug tea + honey
1 tsp homemade chilli

Oats, brazil nuts, sultanas, 1 banana, milk

Chilli slop - homemade chilli combined with mashed potato (Taff's new creation)
1 glass water

1 mug tea + honey
1 slice of ham
Greek style yoghurt

Turkey curry - cooked in a passata and coconut sauce
New potatoes
Salad - cucumber, courgette, pepper in red wine vinegar
3 dried apricots
3 dessert spoons of cream
1 glass water
Elderflower pressee & wine


Writer, creator and thinker
Mummy of Nancy Jones (star of 'Tales of Nancy Jones' children's book by Taff Jones)

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